Overcounter Dispensers
Lovely products to keep in view, in order to add value to the beverages when serving them by the glass. This series is designed for use in the ho.re.ca sector (bars, restaurants, catering, wine bars, ...) These products are easily transportable and also suitable for use in single events. They allow you to dispense every glass at the right temperature and to serve drinks of various types: wines, beers, juices and cocktails. They can also use a variety of technologies, in particular our FIZZ patent, which makes it possible to make any type of beverage sparkling.
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Dispensing Counters
Products that represent a perfect complement to the furnishing of the room, designed to serve and sell large quantities of beverages. For this reason it is suitable for the use in big restaurants or in specialized stores such as wine shops. It can be used to fill not only glasses but also bottles and containers up to 5 liters, at the right temperature and with various types of beverages. They can also use a variety of technologies, in particular our FIZZ patent, which makes it possible to make any type of beverage sparkling.
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